ebXML Happenings interview 00.00 introduction 00.25 introduction John Applegate 01.44 introduction Patrick Yee 02.56 introduction David Webber 04.15 governement ebXML invovements 04.55 answer David Webber 08.41 early adoption in Asia 09.32 answer Patrick Yee 11.53 Cyclone / Axway engagement in ebXML 12.08 answer John Applegate 14.54 is Cyclone/Axway promoting ebXML or are customers coming to Cyclone/Axway wanting ebXML? 15.15 answer John Applegate 16.28 which ebXML components were used in your engagements? 16.41 answer David Webber 19.07 ebXML success story of Open Source Hermes ebXML Messaging product 19.19 answer Patrick Yee 22.27 provisionig, connecting many trading partners 22.46 answer John Applegate 26.38 requirement to make ebXML easier 27.13 answer David Webber 32.16 ebXML is mature what next? 32.35 answer Patrick Yee 33.37 more John Applegate 35.54 more David Webber 37.24 discussion John Applegate and David Webber 40.32 what else will user look at? 40.40 answer David Webber (Business Process) 44.34 summary Patrick Yee 45.30 summary John Applegate 48.04 summary David Webber